
Uplink - these are messages received from end devices.

The NS is capable of optionally adding the following additional parameters to the uplink messages:

  • radio - an object that contains information about RF properties like RSSI, SNR and so on...
    You should use radio = 1 parameter during connection procedure in order to receive this data from the NS.

    For example:

  • mac_commands - a list of MAC commands that was received in this uplink message.
    Please use the lora = 1 parameter in a query string in order to receive this information from the NS.

    For example:


Another functionality of the NS is the ability to receive or discard duplicate messages.
In order to receive all message duplicates, use duplicate=1 in query string.

For example:


Review this diagram for a better understanding on how uplink messages work:

On this diagram, you can see how uplink messages are delivered to the AS:

  1. The Device sends a message to the Gateway.
  2. The Gateway processes the message and adds some additional information to it (for example RF parameters) and sends to the NS.
  3. The NS receives an uplink message from the gateway, processes it (decrypt, deserialize, ...) and sends it to the AS through the Data API.
  4. The AS receives a message with type=uplink


Name Description
rx_time float, time in unixtime, when gateway received this packet, required
counter_up integer, uplink counter from LoraWAN packet, required
port integer, FPort from LoraWAN packet, required
payload string, optional
encrypted_payload string, required
duplicate boolean, if the message is duplicate then this flag is true, required
radio object, radio data, required
radio.freq float, central frequency in MHz (unsigned float, Hz precision), required
radio.time float, unixtime, time of receiving the message at the gateway, optional
radio.modulation object, information about modulation, required
radio.modulation.type string, enum: LORA, FSK, required
radio.modulation.coderate string, LoRa ECC coding rate identifier, required
radio.modulation.spreading integer, required
radio.modulation.bandwidth integer, required
radio.hardware object, information about hardware, required
radio.hardware.tmst integer, send packet on a certain timestamp value (will ignore time), required
radio.hardware.channel integer, concentrator IF channel used for RX (unsigned integer), required
radio.hardware.chain integer, concentrator 'RF chain', required
radio.hardware.status integer, CRC status: 1 = OK, -1 = fail, 0 = no CRC, required
radio.hardware.rssi float, RSSI in dBm (signed integer, 1 dB precision), required
radio.hardware.snr float, lora SNR ratio in dB (signed float, 0.1 dB precision), required
radio.hardware.gps Coordinates of gateway that was used to receive this particular message: string, enum: LORA, FSK, requiredobject, geodata, optional
radio.hardware.gps.lat float, latitude, optional
radio.hardware.gps.lng float, longitude, optional
radio.hardware.gps.alt float, altitude, optional


The first example shows how to receive an uplink message without radio information.

Let's use a WebSocket client called wscat.
To connect to the server and start receiving messages, you should run this command (do not forget to use your own access_token):

wscat -c "wss://ns.eu.everynet.io/api/v1.0/data?types=uplink&access_token=89058167bcf482071da1a88036ca9aaf"

You should get something like this after your client is connected to the Data API:

    "meta": {
        "network": "75697b95",
        "packet_hash": "889a72ab34a647f504ef37d598589431",
        "application": "70b3d54b17db0106",
        "device_addr": "36c365b4",
        "time": 1504806725.252493,
        "device": "faa73111a2aead2c",
        "packet_id": "bfa4be139911fe8ff80bc0afbf110fa3",
        "gateway": "7c95bd79864622a4"
    "params": {
        "rx_time": 1504806725.245682,
        "port": 55,
        "counter_up": 118,
        "payload": "MjRjZjA4YWQyZGE5NGZlZDlkNmRiY2VkOTMwYWMzZjM=",
        "encrypted_payload": "ehMceJ/3W3itJE8rwwvL3y0yu485QMHpLCa4km/TZYM="
    "type": "uplink"

Second example shows how to receive uplink messages with RF details in each message.

Let's use wscat again, but you should add radio=1 to the query string:

wscat -c "wss://ns.eu.everynet.io/api/v1.0/data?types=uplink&access_token=89058167bcf482071da1a88036ca9aaf&radio=1"

Just after Data API connection is established, you should start to receive messages like:

    "meta": {
        "network": "75697b95",
        "packet_hash": "79f664df2c2073af798fa87497305d8d",
        "application": "70b3d54b17db0106",
        "device_addr": "36c365b4",
        "time": 1504806731.256388,
        "device": "faa73111a2aead2c",
        "packet_id": "fdbb09021c4523d9f28bb815ca872c70",
        "gateway": "7c95bd79864622a4"
    "params": {
        "rx_time": 1504806731.249041,
        "port": 27,
        "radio": {
            "modulation": {
                "bandwidth": 125000,
                "type": 0,
                "spreading": 12,
                "coderate": "4/7"
            "hardware": {
                "status": 1,
                "chain": 0,
                "tmst": 514586002,
                "snr": 5.0,
                "rssi": -100.0,
                "channel": 0,
                "gps": {
                    "lat": 59.890445709228516,
                    "lng": 30.258167266845703
            "freq": 868.1,
            "datarate": 0,
            "time": 1504806731.249041
        "counter_up": 120,
        "payload": "ZGEwOTg3MmI4NmU4NGI4MDg4YzZmMWU4ZjM5NmViODU=",
        "encrypted_payload": "aiN3/x3Z7wz7NMPq+qoWf/17pq2J3Cx/p1kjvarfLEE="
    "type": "uplink"

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