
Once you are connected to the Data API, you have the ability to receive and send different messages: uplink messages from the device, debug messages, and so on...

All messages that are received or transmitted through the Data API interface are JSON objects with the following format:

Name Type Description
type string This message type is used to divide messages by its functionality: information messages, uplink messages, error messages and so on.
meta object Metadata is a common structure for all message types and contains such information as: device identifier, message identifier and so on...
params object Contains specific parameters for the particular type of message. For example, uplink messages contain the "payload" field, but it is missed in join requests.


Each message contains a type field that is included to divide messages by it's functionality: uplinks, downlinks, join, errors.

Each message type has a corresponding params structure.

For a better understanding, you could divide messages into two groups:

  1. LoRaWAN - These messages are generated because of device actions or to perform any actions on the device side. These messages have the following types: uplink, downlink_request, downlink_response, downlink, join_request, join_response, status_request, status_response, downlink_claim.
  2. Thse are service messages that have types: error, warning and info. These messages are generated by the NS in the process of LoRaWAN message processing. This group has more informational/debug purpose that the first one.

Here is a list of message types:

Name Description Direction
uplink Uplink messages from devices. Contains payload, radio information, mac commands and so on... from NS to AS
downlink_request Request message generated by the NS in case it has an opportunity to send downlink message to a device. In case the AS has any downlinks, it will send it to the NS. More information can be found here. From NS to AS
downlink_response Response message generated by the AS as a response to downlink_request message from AS to NS
downlink Message generated by the NS just after a downlink message was actually sent to a device. Note that it is not possible to use this type of message to actually send a downlink to a device. Please use the downlink_request / downlink_response sequence instead. from NS to AS
join_request Join request message generated in case the device is using OTAA on the application side. from NS to AS
join_response Join accept message should be emitted by the AS after a successful join procedure from AS to NS
status_request This message is generated by the AS to request device status according to LoRaWAN specification. See DevStatusReq MAC command for details. from AS to NS
status_response Message with device status according to LoRaWAN specification. fron NS to AS
downlink_claim This type is used for Class C devices only and notifies the Network Server about a new, available uplink packet. from AS to NS
error These messages are generated by the NS to inform the AS about critical errors that happened during LoRaWAN message processing and NS to AS interactions. For example: MIC is incorrect. from NS to AS
warning Messages of this type are generated in case of errors encountered during message processing, but the NS was able to finish processing. For example: the AS is not available. from NS to AS
info This is an auxiliary message type that could be used to understand all processing steps in details. For example: the message was successfully delivered to the AS. from NS to AS


Each message contains the following metadata structure (this structure is common for all message types):

Name Type Description
application string The application identifier (app_eui by LoraWAN specification)
device string The device identifier (dev_eui by LoraWAN specification)
device_addr string The device address (dev_addr by LoraWAN specification)
gateway string The gateway mac address
history bool This flag is set for saving the messages in Everynet Network Server History
network string The network of gateways identifier
packet_hash string Message hash. It is very important to understand message hashes for bidirectional interaction. More information is available here.
packet_id string Message identifier. Each message has a unique identifier. It is possible to use it to identify duplicates.
version integer Current version of the Everynet network server protocol, default: 1
outdated bool Optional field, can only be in uplink messages, this flag is set for uplinks that were received too late, for which it is impossible to initiate downlink sending

Bidirectionals messages

The Data API supports bidirectional messaging using the request-response model.
For example messages like downlink_request, downlink_response are used to get downlink data from the AS and send it to the device.

Here is a diagram that describes a message flow between the NS and the AS to send a downlink message to a device:

In other words the sequence is the following:

  • The NS sends the AS a downlink_request with packet_hash= 1 and wait for the response
  • The AS processes this message and sends a response with packet_hash= 1
  • The NS matches a downlink_request and downlink_response and sends a message to the end device


The field params is specific for each type of message and described in corresponding section dedicated to the message type.

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